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Briana Athena Benore


Born in 1981, Briana Athena Benore is a visual artist who specializes in painting with acrylics and oil. After studying for her BFA at the University of Windsor, she has chosen to establish herself in the southwestern Ontario and southeastern Michiganregions. While working on her degree, Briana also displays her work in varied styles of public exhibition: from "cafe shows" at Milkbar and Villain's Bistro to festivals like SKIN and The Alley Art Show and Sale to established galleries like Tangent, Common Ground and Artcite. And many more along the way...


First "bitten by the bug" at the age of 9 when she took to drawing, Briana continues to push herself as an artist whilst producing a steady output of new material. She earns from her art through both commissioned work and sales to the public. She is also beginning to teach art to others through workshops and private classes.



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